Delayed Childbearing

Waiting to have children means more menstrual cycles over a woman's lifetime, increasing breast cancer risk.

Hormonal Factors

Factors like birth control pills or hormone therapy can elevate breast cancer risk.

Environmental Exposures

Exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in plastics and pesticides can contribute to breast cancer.

Lifestyle Choices

Alcohol, sedentary habits, obesity, and poor diet can raise the likelihood of breast cancer.

Awareness and Screening

Improved screening methods  catch breast cancer earlier in younger women, making it seem more common.

Genetic Factors

Inherited mutations like BRCA1 and BRCA2 increase breast cancer risk, particularly in younger women.

Changes in Reproductive Patterns

Having fewer children or not breastfeeding can influence breast cancer risk.

Diagnostic Advancements

Better imaging and genetic tests improve detection of breast cancer in younger women.